Generations of Indian Valley Meals on Wheels Program
In 1972, a small committee of local clergy and interested volunteers began planning a home-delivered meal program to support home-bound older adults in the Indian Valley area. On February 12, 1973, the first Meals on Wheels deliveries were made. Since those first deliveries, the program has expanded to include the residents of Hatfield and many surrounding communities. In the past year, the Generations' Meals on Wheels program has served 302 individual clients with two daily meals. All meals are prepared and packed in the Generations kitchen in Souderton and delivered by volunteers who cover 15 different routes daily. For many older or disabled adults, these meals help them remain independent and live in their homes. Daily deliveries also provide each person with a social contact and friendly visit from the volunteers. If you would be interested in volunteering for this worthwhile program, please get in touch with Pat McQue (Indian Valley territory) or Heather Lewis (North Penn territory) at Meals on Wheels: 215-723-8555.
Many thanks to Doug Eschbach, Executive Director of Generations of Indian Valley, who provided information on the Program.