Jan 5, 2024
General News
The Borough of Hatfield, Borough Council, Approved the 2024 Budget on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, at their last scheduled meeting of 2023.
Borough Council President Jason Ferguson thanked all members of the Council, Mayor Girard, and staff for their commitment to the budget process.
The approved 2024 operating budget of 10.8 million reflects NO INCREASE to the 3.25mil REAL ESTATE TAX that includes the FIRE TAX, and NO INCREASE in ELECTRIC or SEWER rates.
Despite rising costs in services, the Borough is committed to moving forward with planned infrastructure projects including ADA improvements, roadway resurfacing, utility replacement projects, upgrades to electric, sanitary sewer, and stormwater systems, and has committed funding to the VMSC for the North Penn Area.
Highlights along with the full budget can be found at https://www.hatfieldborough.com/.../approved-2024-budget.pdf
Borough Council and Mayor Girard wish all residents and business owners a Happy Holidays & Prosperous New Year!